Security is the foundation to everything we build

We don’t sell ads. We don’t sell data. We don’t sell your private information. We simply sell an excellent platform to run your buildings better


Propty is designed to protect you from breaches and other threats. Our team works diligently to keep your information safe at all times and we work with other security experts and auditors to make sure our code and business practices meet or exceed industry standards. Above all, we firmly believe that you are the sole owner and arbiter of your information. We won’t share it or sell it without your permission.

Questions or Concern

If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with us at: [email protected] If you're a security researcher and you believe you've uncovered a security issue in our products, please email us at [email protected] with the necessary information to reproduce the issue. Security is built into everything Propty does. This isn’t a platitude. It’s a foundational part of our team culture.

User Authentication

Identity verification Propty requires you to create and validate your identity before creating your account and adding any information. We ask for an email username, a strong password, and two-factor authentication to validate that you are who you say you are. Password We require a highly secure password formula for all users. That entails a minimum of 8 characters with numbers, symbols, and upper- and lower-case characters. We recommend creating a password of 14 characters or more. Increasing the number of characters and interspersing numbers and symbols dramatically enhances security. A more complex and lengthy password makes it cryptic enough that it would take an attacker decades to crack. Two-factor Authentication Propty requires two-factor authentication as a default — not an option — to verify your identity. Our platform supports email code verification. Two-factor authentication is an extra layer of security for Propty accounts. This design ensures that you’re the only one who can access your account, even if someone else knows your password. Recent research suggests that your account is 99.9% less likely to be compromised if you use two-factor authentication. In fact, many technology companies are moving towards two-factor authentication as the default.

Data Protection

Data Protection Encryption Your Propty data is encrypted to keep it safe, both at rest and in transit. Our security formula starts with Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 256-bit encryption. We also use multiple techniques to make sure only you have access to your information. Propty encrypts all customers’ sensitive data to prevent unauthorized access, ensuring that your data stays secure. Redaction Our user interface redacts or hides sensitive information by default. To display this information, you can choose to show it to see the redacted information. Redaction prevents wandering eyes from seeing sensitive information on your screen. Aliasing Propty uses an industry-leading security technique called “aliasing” to protect your information. Aliasing removes sensitive data from Propty servers and replaces it with a corresponding alias. This keeps the sensitive information protected and separate from your account. The alias (token) has no exploitable meaning and can only be “de-tokenized” with the original tokenization platform. For example, if a cybercriminal gained unauthorized access to our database containing tokenized sensitive data, the alias would be useless to the attacker and neutralize the threat. Logging Propty creates comprehensive audit logs of the events (by individual users) within each member account. This allows you to account for every change that has occurred within your account (and who made that change). Having a complete record of events in your account provides transparency around all account changes. Security Policies Our security policies, controls, and standards cover a wide range of areas to include:

  • Information security

  • Incident response

  • Access control

  • Physical security

  • Network security

  • Vulnerability management

  • Software/systems development life cycle

  • Secure development

  • Change management

  • Vendor management

  • Disaster recovery

  • Business continuity

These policies ensure that your and your family’s information is kept safe every step of the way.

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Propty helps managers run condominiums more efficiently while building a trusted resident community.

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